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In addition to Deltaswap itself, you need to run your own verifying node for every chain that Deltaswap connects to:
Solana. There is no light client for Solana yet, so you'll have to run a full solana-validator node. It does not have to actually be a validator - you can run solana-validator in non-validating mode if you are not a validator.
Refer to the Solana documentation on how to run a validator. The validator requirements as stated in their docs are excessive - for the current iteration for mainnet-beta, the "low end" config with no GPU is perfectly adequate, and will have enough spare capacity. Solana's Discord server is a great resource for questions regarding validator ops.
Ethereum. See below - you need at least a light client. For stability reasons, a full node is recommended.
Binance Smart Chain: Same requirements as Ethereum. Note that BSC has higher throughput than Ethereum and roughly requires twice as many compute resources.
Do NOT use third-party RPC service providers for any of the chains! You'd fully trust them, and they could lie to you on whether an event has actually been observed. The whole point of Deltaswap is not to rely on centralized nodes!
We strongly recommend running your own full nodes for both testnet and mainnet (where applicable) so you can test changes for your mainnet full nodes and gain operational experience.
Your Solana RPC node needs the following parameters enabled:
enables historic transactions to be retrieved via the getConfirmedBlock API, which is required for Deltaswap to find transactions.
stores metadata about CPI calls.
Be aware that these require extra disk space!
If you use the same RPC node for Deltaswap v1, you also need the following additional parameters to speed up getProgramAccount
Alternatively, if you want to run a general-purpose RPC node with indexes for all programs instead of only Deltaswap, leave out the filtering:
On mainnet, we strongly recommend blacklisting KIN and the token program to speed up catchup:
Note that these indexes require extra disk space and may slow down catchup. The first startup after adding these parameters will be slow since Solana needs to recreate all indexes.
In order to observe events on the Ethereum chain, you need access to an Ethereum RPC endpoint. The most common choice is geth, but for the sake of diversity, you may want to run something that isn't geth.
With RPC providers such as Alchemy, Infura, etc. you trust those operators to provide you with untampered chain data and have no way of verifying correctness. Therefore, Deltaswap requires either an Ethereum full-node or a light-client. The node can be operated in the full, quick or light modes with no impact on security or performance of the bridge software. As long as the node supports the Ethereum JSON RPC API, it will be compatible with the bridge so all major implementations will work fine.
Generally, full-nodes will work better and be more reliable than light clients which are susceptible to DoS attacks since only very few nodes support the light client protocol.
Running a full node typically requires ~500G of SSD storage, 8G of RAM and 4-8 CPU threads (depending on clock frequency). Light clients have much lower hardware requirements.
For security reasons, we do not provide a pre-built binary. You need to check out the repo and build the phylaxd binary from source. A Git repo is much harder to tamper with than release binaries.
To build the Deltaswap node, you need Go >= 1.19.0
First, check out the version of the Deltaswap repo that you want to deploy:
Then, compile the release binary as an unprivileged build user:
You'll end up with a phylaxd
binary in build/
Consider these recommendations, not a tutorial to be followed blindly. You'll want to integrate this with your existing build pipeline. If you need Dockerfile examples, you can take a look at our devnet deployment.
If you want to compile and deploy locally, you can run sudo make install
to install the binary to /usr/local/bin.
If you deploy using a custom pipeline, you need to set the CAP_IPC_LOCK
capability on the binary (e.g. doing the equivalent to sudo setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep
) to allow it to lock its memory pages to prevent them from being paged out. See below on why - this is a generic defense-in-depth mitigation which ensures that process memory is never swapped out to disk. Please create a GitHub issue if this extra capability represents an operational or compliance concern.
To generate a phylax key, install phylaxd first. If you generate the key on a separate machine, you may want to compile phylaxd only without installing it:
Otherwise, use the same phylaxd binary that you compiled using the regular instructions above.
Generate a new key using the keygen
The key file includes a human-readable part which includes the public key hashes and the description.
We strongly recommend a separate user and systemd services for the Deltaswap services.
See the separate deltaswap-networks repository for examples on how to set up the phylaxd unit for a specific network.
You need to open port 8999/udp in your firewall for the P2P network. Nothing else has to be exposed externally.
journalctl can show phylaxd's colored output using the -a
flag for binary output, i.e.: journalctl -a -f -u phylaxd
Kubernetes deployment is fully supported.
Refer to devnet/ for example k8s deployments as a starting point for your own production deployment. You'll have to build your own containers. Unless you already run Kubernetes in production, we strongly recommend a traditional deployment on a dedicated instance - it's easier to understand and troubleshoot.
Deltaswap exposes a status server for readiness and metrics. By default, it listens on port 6060 on localhost. You can use a command line argument to expose it publicly: --statusAddr=[::]:6060
This endpoint returns a 200 OK status code once the Deltaswap node is ready to serve requests. A node is considered ready as soon as it has successfully connected to all chains and started processing requests.
This is only for startup signalling - it will not tell whether it stopped processing requests at some later point. Once it's true, it stays true! Use metrics to figure that out.
This endpoint serves Prometheus metrics for alerting and introspection. We recommend using Prometheus and Alertmanager, but any monitoring tool that can ingest metrics using the standardized Prometheus exposition format will work.
Once we gained more operational experience with Deltaswap, specific recommendations on appropriate symptoms-based alerting will be documented here.
See Deltaswap.json for an example Grafana dashboard.
NOTE: Parsing the log output for monitoring is NOT recommended. Log output is meant for human consumption and is not considered a stable API. Log messages may be added, modified or removed without notice. Use the metrics :-)
Deltaswap v2 no longer uses Solana as a data availability layer (see design document). Instead, it relies on Phylax nodes exposing an API which web wallets and other clients can use to retrieve the signed VAA message for a given transaction.
Phylax nodes are strongly encouraged to expose a public API endpoint to improve the protocol's robustness.
phylaxd comes with a built-in REST and grpc-web server which can be enabled using the --publicWeb
For usage with web wallets, TLS needs to be supported. phylaxd has built-in Let's Encrypt support:
Alternatively, you can use a managed reverse proxy like CloudFlare to terminate TLS.
It is safe to expose the publicWeb port on signing nodes. For better resiliency against denial of service attacks, future phylaxd releases will include listen-only mode such that multiple phylaxd instances without phylax keys can be operated behind a load balancer.
If you want to bind --publicWeb
to a port <1024, you need to assign the CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE capability. This can be accomplished by either adding the capability to the binary (like in non-systemd environments):
...or by extending the capability set in phylaxd.service
You'll have to manage the following keys:
The phylax key, which is the bridge consensus key. This key is very critical - your node uses it to certify VAA messages. The public key's hash is stored in the phylax set on all connected chains. It does not accrue rewards. It's your share of the multisig mechanism that protect the Deltaswap network. The phylax set can be replaced if a majority of the phylaxs agree to sign and publish a new phylax set.
A node key, which identifies it on the gossip network, similar to Solana's node identity or a Tendermint node key. It is used by the peer-to-peer network for routing and transport layer encryption. An attacker could potentially use it to censor your messages on the network. Other than that, it's not very critical and can be rotated. The node will automatically create a node key at the path you specify if it doesn't exist. While the node key can be replaced, we recommend using a persistent node key. This will make it easier to identify your node in monitoring data and improves p2p connectivity.
For production, we strongly recommend to either encrypt your disks, and/or take care to never have hot phylax keys touch the disk. One way to accomplish is to store keys on an in-memory ramfs, which can't be swapped out, and restore it from cold storage or an HSM/vault whenever the node is rebooted. You might want to disable swap altogether. None of that is specific to Deltaswap - this applies to any hot keys.
Our node software takes extra care to lock memory using mlock(2) to prevent keys from being swapped out to disk, which is why it requires extra capabilities. Yes, other chains might want to do this too :-)
Storing keys on an HSM or using remote signers only partially mitigates the risk of server compromise - it means the key can't get stolen, but an attacker could still cause the HSM to sign malicious payloads. Future iterations of Deltaswap may include support for remote signing using a signer like SignOS.
The spy connects to the deltaswap phylax peer to peer network and listens for new VAAs. It publishes those via a socket and websocket that applications can subscribe to. If you want to run the spy built from source, change ghcr.io/deltaswapio/phylaxd:latest
to phylax
after building the phylax
Start the spy against the testnet deltaswap phylax:
To run the spy against mainnet: