Adress Conversion

As explained in Chain ID and Address Format, Planq uses the Bech32 address format. In order to convert between a Bech32 format address and an Ethereum format address, we provide the following sample code below:

Python implementation

In order to convert from Bech32 plq... address to a Ethereum 0x... address:

import bech32

bech32_address = input("Please enter a plq address: ")
#bech32_address = "plq1c47uszfujup3ax0d5p4ges3pxa4ne9zqc20pgf"

_, bz = bech32.bech32_decode(bech32_address)
hexbytes=bytes(bech32.convertbits(bz, 5, 8))
eth_address = '0x' + hexbytes.hex()

Vice versa, in order to convert from an Ethereum 0x... to a Bech32 plq... address:

import bech32

eth_address = input("Please enter a ETH address (0x...): ")
#eth_address = "0xc57DC8093C97031E99EdA06A8CC221376B3c9440"
eth_address_bytes = bytes.fromhex(eth_address[2:])

bz = bech32.convertbits(eth_address_bytes, 8, 5)
bech32_address = bech32.bech32_encode("plq",bz)

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